Meeting candidates is one of the best parts of working in recruitment, and really helps me support you properly with your job search. This is the perfect chance for me to understand exactly what type of company and culture is going to be the best fit for you, setting you up for a happy and prosperous career. I can talk to you in depth about what roles are currently available within 3D visualisation and design, and why they might be relevant to you. Meeting in person also gives you the opportunity to ask me any important questions that you may have.
Having worked in 3D visualisation and design recruitment for several years and looked at thousands of cv’s and portfolios, I know exactly what clients look for when reviewing potential candidates for a new role. When we meet I can advise you on how to tailor your application for each client, enabling you to put your best foot forward and increase the likelihood of a successful job search.
Interviews can be daunting even for the bravest of us. Knowing the clients I work with inside out enables me to prepare you properly for any interviews that I secure you. I can give you insight on the background of the people that you will meet, what they will expect from you and most importantly how you can impress them. All of which will give you the best chance at landing your dream job.
Don’t worry, your details will be kept fully confidential and will not be sent to any prospective jobs or clients without your prior permission.
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